Your Hosts
Ragani Buegel
With over thirty-five years of experience in yoga and meditation, Ragani’s many travels to India have given her magnificent experiences and retreats deep into the jungles of the Himalayas, where she has met many known and unknown mystics and ancient adepts. Ragani brings to these travels her stories and heartfelt understanding of the mysteries and richness of the yoga and sacred teachings of India. Her love of transformational experiences drives her visions for these sacred retreats, and she is excited to have you to join her and Kaita in this special lifetime opportunity!
Kaita Bliffert
Kaita's love for India began well before ever traveling there. As a teenage, she read Autobiography of a Yogi, and was profoundly moved by the stories of the saints whose feet have graced that soil. The spiritual culture, ever-present in the mountain areas, resonates with her soul in a way that feels so nourishing, so uplifting, and so oddly familiar, that she has made it a priority in her life to visit as often as possible over the last 12 years. Immersion with the ancient traditions of yoga and meditation is a wonderful way to deepen one's knowledge of the self and explore the possibilities that are potential in us all. She is so excited to share this experience!